Zorp Video can help you do it all
Create videos for your organization anytime, anywhere
Team members at every level can contribute and view videos
Tag, archive, and safeguard videos using your cloud
Give your organization the tools and information to excel
Close the Information Gap
Zorp Video captures knowledge in short “best practice” videos that can be shot on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and camcorders and stored in a database that is keyword searchable through machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Any employee, middle manager, senior executive, or connected worker can query the video database and receive a list of videos that match the keywords specified. The user then can view any videos, or all of the videos, to find out if the knowledge captured addresses their issue. If not, they can alert management about the information gap.

Record and Share Discoveries as They Happen
The videos can be recorded as the engineers or researchers develop new technologies or new ways of using technologies that benefit the company. They can be shot by line workers, foremen, or managers involved in the production process when better ways of using technology are discovered.
The videos should be uploaded on the company’s Virtual Private Network to the company’s server behind its firewalls. Each company’s Chief Information Officer would manage the corporate network. Video also could be encrypted through HTML 5 technology and uploaded on public Internet networks in lieu of VPNs.
AI Helps You Find Videos Quickly
The short videos, typically less than ten minutes, are keyword searchable using machine learning and/or artificial intelligence. This allows users to zero in precisely on the topic or even the words or phrases used in the video to provide the information quickly and easily.